Lately I've been taking note of the little blessings in my life - and they're small things. Yesterday it was a long, cool breeze that happened in the hottest part of a run with no shade. I found myself thinking about the perfect timing, temperature and how lucky I was to experience it. I adopted a rose tree several months ago and I noticed a new, giant bud yesterday morning and thought how beautiful it will be once it's in bloom. I called my grandma who is healing from a big surgery (quad-bypass surgery, they had to break her breastbone) and she told me she did a load of laundry by herself. Keep in mind the surgery was less than two weeks ago and a load of laundry solo is quite the accomplishment. Truth be told it was a load of dish towels (happy about that, she shouldn't be lifting anything heavier) but I hung up the phone feeling thankful that she made it through surgery with no complications (that's a "thankful for a BIG thing"). She's upbeat and able to talk to me with such high energy, more than most people younger and in better health. Not only did my grandma go through such an intense procedure this month, I've had a couple other folks in my life go through recent procedures that are not what you would call fun. I think that's why I've been taking gratitude in the little things lately. Everyone has their good and bad days but if the good days outweigh the bad, in my opinion you're doing pretty well. I'm thankful for my health, happiness and wellbeing, I don't take that for granted because you never know if/when someday it won't be the case. In the grand scheme of things I haven't been on this planet for very long but as I get older and as my friends and family also age, I've noticed life isn't always a bowl of cherries but we're lucky we're alive and have each other and our experiences to share that have made us the people we are today. I don't know what the future holds but, "I’m alive and well….and today, you know that's good enough for me ." (Kenny Chesney with Dave Matthews - I'm Alive).