Monday, November 1, 2010


Halloween weekend this year was fun filled and pretty eventful.  Richard and I started off by paying a visit to my mom's 4th grade classroom to drop in on their Halloween party towards the end of the day.  We decorated a mummy cupcake, passed out some treats we brought (candy and Silly Bands - did you know Silly Bands brought in $200m in sales so far in 2010?), visited with some of the room parents and watched a Pirate (room dad) demonstrate a number of tricks with dry ice.  It was so fun to see all the kids dressed up, my favorite costume had to be Lady Banana (cross between a banana and Lady Gaga).  Oh to be a 4th grader again!  That evening we had pizza and wine night with my parents, one of our favorite things to do on a Friday evening.  I recommend the pizza dough from Whole Foods vs. Trader Joe's, it's so much better, rolls out very thin and even.  We opened a bottle of wine from the Sonoma Wine Shop and watched the movie UP!  I can't believe I had not seen that movie before, it was so cute and yes, I cried ;)
Saturday was spent running around finding the final touches on Rich's Justin Bieber custume, the final outcome was quite the site to see!  I was the cat from Shrek (Puss in Boots) but I'm not sure how obvious it was, probably would have helped if my hat was black and I was wearing a full cat suit.  Ideas for next year!  We went to a fun Halloween party in Queen Anne with our friends and it was great to hang out with many of them that we won't see for a while due to the move.
On Halloween (Sunday) we watched a couple games as the Washington football nightmare continued.  The scary scores of the weekend totaled 116-3 WSU/UW/Seahawks...yikes.  After meeting up with Richard's mom and aunt for HH @ PF Changs in Bellevue we decided to pick up a couple things at the mall...bad idea.  Turns out Bellevue Square opens up for Trick-or-Treaters to frequent each store.  Needless to say the place was mobbed but we got in and got out!  Note to future Bellevue Square trick or treaters:  Cashe does not participate, note the sign below. 
Sunday dinner entailed a total of 5 rings at the door, maybe mall trick or treating is the wave of the future and to account for the low numbers of kidos.  I don't know how trick or treating at the mall can possibly compare to walking up driveways with glowing jack-o-lanterns, the crispy leaves beneath your feet when walking around the neighborhood, the chance that one house might give away king sized chocolate bars, the smell of the October night, the stars and moon above setting the perfect scene for an all hallows eve or getting a little nervous every time you ring a doorbell.  Maybe those are just my childhood memories and things have changed since then.  Either way there's something special about Halloween, I cherish the found memories and look forward to the Halloweens to come as friends/family enter different stages of life and start creating new traditions.  BOO!!


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