Sunday, January 2, 2011

Home for the Holidays

“Oh there's no place like home
For the holidays, 'cause no matter
How far away you roam
If you want to be happy in a million ways
For the holidays, you can't beat
Home, sweet home…”

Christmas this year was wonderful.  We flew home early in the week, I was able to go into my office and work from Seattle and Richard was able to get into see Dr. Chu (ENT Dr.) at the Polyclinic in Seattle for a much needed sinus surgery to correct a deviated septum and remove a polyp that had him 90% blocked on one side.  Although he spent the majority of the holiday break recovering, he was a great sport and we were able to see all the friends and family we could.  It’s now been almost two weeks since his surgery and he’ll do the post-op here in California as Dr. Chu actually had a practice in Walnut Creek before moving to Seattle so he was able to recommend a great Dr. here to remove Richard’s stiches and splint sometime within the next week. 

We spent Christmas eve with Richard’s Dad, Tracy and sisters Christmas eve day, Christmas eve relaxing (we typically partake in Grandma Emily’s Christmas eve crab feed however due to Richard’s recovery, we had to opt out this year).  Christmas morning at my parent’s house in Bellevue, Christmas day at Grandma Emily’s with Sheryl, Auntie Di and Adam and finally Christmas dinner at Grandma Polly’s with my mom’s side of the family + our dear friends Jennie and Mark.  The day after we met my Dad and Lynn at our favorite restaurant, Daniel’s Broiler on Lake Union for a special dinner.  We ended up flying back to California on December 30th so we could spend New Year’s here.  Our good friends Jay and Cathy were in town as Jay’s sister lives in Pleasanton, we spent NYE together and met up on New Year’s day for lunch and a drink at our favorite bar, Norm’s Place in Danville.  We were so blessed this year to be surrounded by so many wonderful friends and our loving family, it sure makes us appreciate it even more so now that we’re living in another state. We are so excited for 2011 – the best is yet to come!      

 Gina is all set for Rome!! She leaves January 9th!!

Benny Bear sporting Grandma Emily's earrings ;)

 Circa 1970 something - ha!

 Snapped a photo of the 1st course since is was so pretty!

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