Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ladies weekend in SanFran!

I am so behind on posting and feel like so much has happened within the last 3 weeks I can barely keep up with myself!  I have been traveling for the last 2 weeks and before that had Jill and Crystal in town for the weekend.  It was so fun to have a couple good girlfriends here to show them our new place and surroundings.  We went to our favorite bar Friday night, Norm’s Place in DT Danville while meeting up with one of Crystal’s friends (Tara) who actually lives in Tracy – no too far away from where Richard and I live!  Tara and I are actually getting together this weekend for a little girly shopping/lunch date in Walnut Creek Saturday and I’m super excited to have another girlfriend in NorCal.   It really is a small world story how Crystal and Tara worked together and met in NYC, Tara ended up in Tracy, myself in Danville and now we’re hanging out this weekend after being introduced by Crystal who lives in Seattle. 

While the girls were in town we met up with Staci (our good friend from WSU) who lives in Concord – fairly close to Danvile, it was so much fun to see her and reconnect, I’m excited to spend more time with her in the future…always wonderful to see familiar faces when relocating.  We spent Saturday night in San Francisco which was so much fun.  Saturday day we walked around the sunny city, went to the Ferry Building, had lunch on the waterfront and paid a visit to Jimmy’s (Jill’s fiancé) parents who live in an amazing flat overlooking the Golden Gate bridge.  Cindy (Jimmy’s mom) made us a delicious Italian dinner, we had a wonderful evening…possibly the highlight of the trip! 

SanFran on Saturday afternoon, beautiful!
Sunday we got up early to get ready for the SanFran Wedding Expo at the Four Seasons Hotel which was amazing.  I had actually never been to a wedding show and it was fun to see what they’re all about.  Plenty of cake tastings, Champaign, décor ideas, flowers, invites, you name it.  Since Jill and Stacy are both planning weddings so we had 2 brides in our group!

Of course, I’m a sucker for the table and floral décor – I think it’s because they’re not necessarily wedding specific.  Some of these I could see as birthday celebrations, anniversary parties, valentine’s day décor or other significant celebrations…so many ideas come to mind.

 I really love yellow accented with white as a wedding color scheme, obviously pink + brown was my first choice as my wedding clearly followed that palate however if I had a second choice, yellow would have been it for sure!  Yellow just emits happiness, love it!

Fun Fact:  "Let them eat cake" is the traditional translation of the French phrase "Qu'ils mangent de la brioche", supposedly spoken by "a great princess" upon learning that the peasants had no bread. As brioche is a luxury bread enriched with eggs and butter, it would reflect the princess's obliviousness to the nature of a famine.

Check out this blue sparkling wine, can an adult beverage get any cuter?!  It’s called Blanc de Blue, a CA Sparkling wine…wonder how many brides have thought about bringing a glass of this down the aisle as a "something blue", ha!  I immediately thought this would be adorable for a baby shower (again, thinking other events in addition to weddings).  Of course, mama-to-be would need an alternate non-alcoholic beverage like Dry Soda (an amazing bubbly-like non-alcoholic beverage developed by a mother to be).  Wouldn’t this be perfect for baby shower guests? I had to try it and sadly, it’s doesn’t taste as amazing as it looks and for $35 per bottle I could think of other delicious sparkling wines but a cute idea. 

All in all, super productive weekend, loved seeing my girls and can hardly wait for the upcoming weddings this year, I am officially in the wedding spirit!

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