Friday, November 4, 2011

WSU Homecoming - Win or lose, love my Cougs!

After spending four years of college years in Pullman, there is something so special about going back.  Sure, some things change but for the majority things are still the same.  I spent homecoming weekend in Pullman this year and while walking down the sidewalks of Greek row with my favorite college roommate, Candace - we laughed about how it feels like we were just there in our old apartment.  Now we’re both married, she has two beautiful boys and I live in California.  There’s no way it was almost 8 years ago we graduated, amazing.  I don’t know if it was the pitchers of Bud Light at The Coug, the fact we stayed with my little sister who lives off Greek row or something in the crisp autumn air of Eastern Washington but it felt so awesome to be back on that campus.  I get chills driving into Pullman and seeing Bryan Tower, so many great memories.  It’s where I made the best friends of my life and had some of the best times I couldn’t possibly ever relive (as much as I’d like to try coming back as an alumni).  I love going back and exchanging stories with my friends about the things we did in back in the glory days.  One of my favorite things is during those years, everyone was in it together, people didn’t go home every weekend or disappear on Sunday evenings to have dinner with their families like other colleges I can think of.  One of the best and worst things I’ve recently remembered is how almost nobody studied abroad…it was of course an option, anyone could apply but nobody wanted to.  I remember thinking about it and feeling like I would miss something….yes, miss something in Pullman as crazy as it sounds.  That trend has since changed and everyone studies abroad for a semester now, my sister went to Rome and it was the best thing she’s ever done and I’m so glad she had that experience.  Although everyone has their own special experience in Pullman, there’s a special bond between Cougs that’s created though an undeniable amazing experience that you can’t define.  I am absolutely in love with the fact I can be anywhere in the world (I say this because it happened to me in Australia) and if I see someone in anything WSU or any fellow Cougs spot me sporting WSU gear, there’s an instant, “GO COUGS!” shouted, couple times there’s been high fives and an instant friend.  This continually happens with all of my WSU friends and with Richard and I time and again here in California.  I love the bond, love the school, love the cougs…win or lose

 I walked past this guy and he said, "hey - same coat?"  Pretty similar if I do say so myself, my friends got a kick out of that!

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