Thursday, December 16, 2010

Blackhawk Plaza

It was so incredibly beautiful today!  I thought it was going to be like this every day but we’ve actually had our fair share of drizzles since we got here in November.  It’s funny (and a bit annoying) because every time we’ve had a visitor, it has rained.  When my mom drove down with me from Seattle to transport my car, it was sunny the for weeks then as soon as we arrived, it rained all weekend.  When Richard’s dad and stepmother visited it had been dry all week and rained as soon as they got here.  The forecast was looking rainy when my mom and grandma decided to come down and Christmas shop however we were lucky and somehow dodged it.  Today was gorgeous and now it supposed to start raining when Gina comes to visit this weekend…not sure why this keeps happening but I guess it’s good to have some precipitation, grass is always greener on the other side and I’m sure this summer we’ll be wishing we had one day of sprinkles. 

This afternoon, I made a coffee run to Blackhawk Plaza which is in walking distance of our home.  It’s such a cute shopping area, reminds me a lot of U-Village!  I love having this so close to where we live and have enjoyed the holiday decorations, everything looks so pretty.  Blackhawk Plaza is a mix of outdoor shops, an semi indoor shopping plaza, restaurants, a movie theater, a fancy market called Draeger's, a gym that I'm joining in January called Crunch, park, duck pond and clustered seating.  It’s in Danville but not downtown (DT Danville pics to come), here’s a little more about it taken from their Facebook page:  Blackhawk Plaza is the East Bay’s premier shopping and dining destination featuring an aquatic landscaped interior courtyard with terraced shopping and dining establishments.  Stores include: Anthropologie, Restoration Hardware, read., Geoffrey Scott, Patrick James, Dollhouse Lingerie, Draeger’s Market, See Jane Run, Dabble Cosmetics and more.  Blackhawk is also home to the world-renowned Blackhawk Auto Museum, a Smithsonian affiliate; and is home to three new restaurants by World Renowned Chef Matthew Silverman.

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