Sunday, December 5, 2010

Mom's Weekend

This morning we saw my mom and grandma off as they spent the weekend here with us.  We sure kept them busy with Christmas shopping in San Fran Friday, dinner in Danville Friday evening, Saturday in Sonoma and Saturday evening in Walnut Creek.  It was so fun to have them here and hopefully we can make a tradition to go Christmas shopping in San Fran every year!  It was so fun for me to host them as guests since it was the first time I really had some time to prep for out of Towner’s.  I enjoyed putting fresh flowers in the bathroom, fluffing their pillows and making blueberry muffins in the morning.  I can’t wait to have more folks come to visit, our guest room is ready and we’re looking forward to having more friends and family visit!

grandma polly and I in San Fran


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