Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Memorial Day Weekend was a blast this year.  Crystal and her boyfriend OJ came to visit us Thursday – Monday and we had a blast!  Here was the itinerary of the weekend:

Thursday night: BBQ with our friends Tara and Justin, drinks at “That Bar” in Danville
Friday: Attempted Mt. Diablo (too foggy), decided to stroll around Walnut Creek, Cigar and wine tasting at Danville Cigar followed by drinks and dinner at Norm’s
Saturday: Spent the day in San Francisco w/lunch at Papalote (best burrito in SF, literally).  Crystal and OJ were able to have dinner with OJ’s family who live in our town ;)
Sunday: BBQ in Blackhawk with the Ellis’ and dinner at Maria Maria
Monday: C&OJ return home

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